I have an RDF/XML dataset, and it has some relations that can be built into some inference rules. I built my inference rules using SPARQL
in Jena API. For example, there is a part_of
relation, if termA
is part_of
, and termB
is part_of
, so we can infer that termA
is part_of
. But I need to make this rule work recursively, so I want all the triples inferred from this rule to be let say the input dataset again then be checked using this rule. To infer new triples I used construct
PREFIX rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#>
PREFIX go: <http://www.geneontology.org/dtds/go.dtd#>
CONSTRUCT {?termA go:part_of ?termC}
?termA go:part_of ?termB .
?termB go:part_of ?termC .
FILTER (?termA != ?termC) .
from this query above, I can infer only the two level of part_of
relation, but what I need is the multilevel one. So I tried to make a subquery like this, using the syntax shown in slide 9 of Marianne Shaw's Ontology Views Update, which in turn might be based on Simon Schenk's A SPARQL Semantics Based on Datalog:
PREFIX rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#>
PREFIX go: <http://www.geneontology.org/dtds/go.dtd#>
CONSTRUCT {?termA go:part_of ?termC}
FROM <A:/workspace_luna/RDFQuery/src/test.rdf>
FROM NAMED ?g <CONSTRUCT {?termA go:part_of ?termC}
FROM <A:/workspace_luna/RDFQuery/src/test.rdf>
?termA go:part_of ?termB .
?termB go:part_of ?termC .
FILTER (?termA != ?termC) .
?termA go:part_of ?termB .
?termB go:part_of ?termC .
FILTER (?termA != ?termC) .
But I obtained an error. I've looked around in many sources and also I tried to apply to my queries, but no one works. Is there any other way to do this?