At one point, while I was working on a Swift project, the Xcode got stuck with "Compiling Swift source" message in the status bar. The compilation did not finish no matter how long I waited. I rolled back my recent changes, and soon realized that what confuses the compiler is a very simple enum construct. Below is a Playground example that illustrates the problem.
Create a new Playground and paste this code. Do you see any output?
// Playground - noun: a place where people can play
import UIKit
enum FastingType: Int {
case NoFast=0, Vegetarian, FishAllowed, FastFree, Cheesefare
class Fasting
var allowedFood = [
.NoFast: ["meat", "fish", "milk", "egg", "cupcake"],
.Vegetarian: ["vegetables", "bread", "nuts"],
.FishAllowed: ["fish", "vegetables", "bread", "nuts"],
.FastFree: ["cupcake", "meat", "fish", "cheese"],
.Cheesefare: ["cheese", "cupcake", "milk", "egg"]
func getAllowedFood(type: FastingType) -> [String] {
return allowedFood[type]
var fasting = Fasting()
println("Hello world")
On my machine the busy indicator keeps spinning forever, and there are no messages. I tried this on both Xcode 6.1 (6A1052c) and Xcode 6.2-beta (6C86e).
Does this look like a bug in Swift compiler? Or there is some problem in my code?
Several people noticed that I forgot return type in getAllowedFood
function. This fix alone, however, does not solve the problem. The compiler still hangs.
A workaround was suggested in comments:
Swift seems to have trouble interpreting your dictionary. It's usually a good idea to give dictionaries an explicit type to "help out" the compiler.
The following addition "un-freezes" the compiler:
var allowedFood: [FastingType: [String]]