I have a similar problem like this one
The followning are what I used:
- CDH4.4 (hive 0.10)
- protobuf-java-.2.4.1.jar
- elephant-bird-hive-4.6-SNAPSHOT.jar
- elephant-bird-core-4.6-SNAPSHOT.jar
- elephant-bird-hadoop-compat-4.6-SNAPSHOT.jar
- The jar file which include the protoc compiled .class file.
And I flow Protocol Buffer java tutorial create my data "testbook".
And I
use hdfs dfs -mkdir /protobuf_data
to create HDFS folder.
Use hdfs dfs -put testbook /protobuf_data
to put "testbook" to HDFS.
Then I follow elephant-bird web page to create table, syntax is like this:
create table addressbook
row format serde "com.twitter.elephantbird.hive.serde.ProtobufDeserializer"
with serdeproperties (
stored as
inputformat "com.twitter.elephantbird.mapred.input.DeprecatedRawMultiInputFormat"
OUTPUTFORMAT "org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.io.HiveIgnoreKeyTextOutputFormat"
LOCATION '/protobuf_data/';
All worked.
But when I submit the query select * from addressbook;
no result came out.
And I couldn't find any logs with errors to debug.
Could someone help me ?
Many thanks