make an IntentService not sleep until it executes

2019-02-25 19:22发布


In the onHandleIntent of my my IntentService class, I created handle containing a runnable which should be done after 20 seconds. Unfortunatly my service sleeps or is destroyed before this period. I tried also with the CountDownTimer, but i had the same problem. Do someone have any idea can I make the onHnadleIntent waiting? Thank you!

This is the code:

 public class MyService extends IntentService {
    protected void onHandleIntent(Intent workIntent) {
        Handler handler = new Handler();
        handler.postDelayed(new Runnable() {
        public void run() {
            Log.i("20 seconds later","I am here");
        }, 20000);


Don't use an IntentService. It is not designed for your scenario. Use a regular Service. Put your code in onStartCommand(). At the bottom of your run() method, call stopSelf() on the Service instance to shut it down.


You need to stop onHandleIntent from returning until the Runnable has completed. This can be achieved by using a CountdownLatch, which awaits at the end of your onHandleIntent method, and gets released at the end of the run method.

NOTE: this will cause the intent service to not process other Intents you sent it until the previous one has completed (after 20 seconds).

You may also want to obtain a partial wakelock at the start of onHandleIntent and release it at the end.