I use ember-i18n to handle multiples langages in my project, and I need to insert a link inside a translation (with interpolation).
Any idea ?
I use ember-i18n to handle multiples langages in my project, and I need to insert a link inside a translation (with interpolation).
Any idea ?
Response from @jamesarosen on Github :
You can't use the
helper inside a translation because it emits a DOM node, not a String.
But you can use ember-href-to addon to generate URLs.
In JavaScript:
// some-thing/component.js:
import { hrefTo } from 'ember-href-to/helpers/href-to';
text: Ember.computed('i18n.locale', function() {
const i18n = this.get('i18n');
const href = hrefTo(this, 'some.route');
const link = Ember.String.htmlSafe(`<a href="${href}">Link Text</a>`);
return i18n.t('some.translation', { link });
Or in Handlebars (you'll need an htmlSafe helper):
{{t 'some.translation'
link=(htmlSafe (join '<a href="' (href-to 'some.route') '">Link Text</a>'))}}
I face a similar problem recently and this is what I did:
Translation file (en.json) :
"some.message.key": "Successfully created <a href='{{userlink}}'> {{username}} </a>."
In the respective template/hbs file:
{{html-safe (t "some.message.key" userlink=link username=name)}}
html-safe is a helper provided by ember-cli-string-helpers add on.