SQL Group by Date Range

2019-02-25 17:32发布


I have the following data:

Date        Code
2014-08-01  A
2014-08-02  A
2014-08-03  A
2014-08-04  A
2014-08-05  A
2014-08-06  A
2014-08-07  A
2014-08-08  XXXX
2014-08-09  XXXX
2014-08-10  BB
2014-08-11  CCC
2014-08-12  CCC
2014-08-13  CCC
2014-08-14  CCC
2014-08-15  CCC
2014-08-16  CCC
2014-08-17  CCC
2014-08-18  XXXX
2014-08-19  XXXX
2014-08-20  XXXX
2014-08-21  XXXX
2014-08-22  XXXX
2014-08-23  XXXX
2014-08-24  XXXX
2014-08-25  XXXX
2014-08-26  XXXX
2014-08-27  XXXX
2014-08-28  XXXX
2014-08-29  XXXX
2014-08-30  XXXX
2014-08-31  XXXX

I want to group the data with codes but also with date ranges so that the output becomes:

Min Date    Max Date    Code
2014-08-01  2014-08-07  A
2014-08-08  2014-08-09  XXXX
2014-08-10  2014-08-10  BB
2014-08-11  2014-08-17  CCC
2014-08-18  2014-08-31  XXXX

I have thought about it but cannot think of how to group this data using SQL. Any ideas? Thanks!


So, you want to find sequences according to the date that are the same.

Here is a trick: if you take the difference between row_number() over the entire group and row_number() partitioned by code, then it will be constant for adjacent rows with the same code. The rest is just aggregation:

select  min(date), max(date), code
from (select t.*,
             (row_number() over (order by date) -
              row_number() over (partition by code order by date)
             ) as grpid
      from followingdata t
     ) t
group by grpid, code;