I'm getting started with flask and SocketIO using https://github.com/miguelgrinberg/Flask-SocketIO.
I want to post a string to the flask server and then via SocketIO, emit this to the client webpage.
Normally my posting code would look like:
def index():
token = request.form['token']
As far as I understand, something like the following is needed to emit data from the server to client page:
@socketio.on('event', namespace='/test')
def test_message(message):
emit('my response', {'data': message['data']}, broadcast=False)
It's not clear to me how to tie the 2 functions together so that on a post the value of token would be emitted to the client.
The closest I can find in the docs is:
Receiving Messages¶
When using SocketIO messages are received by both parties as events. On the client side Javascript callbacks are used. With Flask-SocketIO the server needs to register handlers for these events, similarly to how routes are handled by view functions.
How can I get this working?