
Google requiring certain properties for certain ty

2019-02-25 14:34发布


I tried to add Schema.org markup on my site, with the type Article, then adding some properties on it, when checked on Google Structured Data Testing Tool, it said required certain properties, like dataPublished, author etc.

I can add some properties to meet the requirement, but not all of them. Is this requirement real? I mean really required by the rule? Or just Google rule? I came across this page https://developers.google.com/search/docs/data-types/articles It said for non-AMP, those requirements are only optional (ignored or recommended, non of them said required for non-AMP).

This get me confused, anyone knows about this, what's your opinion? Do Google Structured Data Testing Tool already include AMP requirement?


These are required/recommended for getting one of Google’s search features.

If you don’t want that Google search feature, or if you can’t provide all necessary properties, you can keep everything like it is and ignore the errors and warnings.

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