How to include additional files and folders (configuration files) when natively packaging Java applications?
When building the project, I have set the build file to create directories and copy additional files to the dist directory.
My normal builds (without native packaging) would result to this directory structure:
-> dist
-> lib
-> application.jar
-> config folder //additional folder
-> another additional folder //additional folder
Now, I would like to build my native installer (setup) having those addtional folders/files extracted together with my application and runtime.
Basically when my native installer is run, it will create these files:
-> app
-> lib
-> application.jar
-> package.cfg
-> runtime
-> jre
-> applcation.exe
-> application.ico
-> unins000.dat
-> unins000.exe
My additional files and folders are not included in my installer. I would like to have my installer with those additional files extracted, preferably like this
-> app
-> lib
-> config folder //additional folder
-> another additional folder //additional folder
-> application.jar
-> package.cfg
-> runtime
-> jre
-> applcation.exe
-> application.ico
-> unins000.dat
-> unins000.exe
By the way, I am using Ant Build tool and Inno for native packaging.