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How to generate all permutations of a list in Python
29 answers
Randomize a string input into all possibilities
1 answer
So I am making a word generator that takes several inputted letters, puts them in all possible positions, and matches them with a document to find words. If I am approaching this wrong please tell me! If not how can I do this?
to generate all permutations of a given list of letters, use the itertools module.
import itertools
for word in itertools.permutations( list_of_letters ):
print ''.join(word)
It might be faster to run it in reverse: index your document, and for each word, see if it is a subset of your list of letters.
You can write your own function (:
def permutation(head, tail=''):
if len(head) == 0:
print tail
for i in range(len(head)):
permutation(head[0:i] + head[i + 1:], tail + head[i])
def allpermutationsOfString(words):
if len(words) == 1:
return [words]
result = []
for index, letter in enumerate(words):
wordWithoutLetter = words[:index] + words[index+1:]
result = result + [letter + word for word in allpermutationsOfString(wordWithoutLetter)]
return result
print allpermutationsOfString("watup") #will print all permutations of watup
Here's another way to implement the algorithm.