So I have a class (HostObject) that has a vector of complex classes (object1) inside it. Such as the pseudocode depicted below
class HostObject {
//other member variables
vector<Object1> vec(ARRAY_SIZE);
//default constructor
//leave vector default constructed
//my custom constructor
HostObject(double parmeter1, double parameter2, doubleparameter3) {
//some code doing some calculations
for (int i = 0; i <ARRAY_SIZE; i++){
vec.push_back(Object1( double p1, int p2, double p3, intp4));
I know the way this code is written any time HostObject is created the vector will be initialized with default constructed Object1s. My code requires a vector so I would like the compiler to know what the size of the vector is so it can appropriately allocate the memory needed for my vector. I know I could use reserve if I wanted a more dynamic allocation.
I guess my question is: Is their a way to reserve space for a vector when defining it that does not require default initialization of the objects in it or use of the reserve function?
My goal is to have the memory space allocated so when I construct an array of objects of HostObject type the get allocated the correct amount of memory. Does the memory size of an object get determined based on the result of the default constructor?