
how do I pass “-D” argument in Eclipse to my weblo

2019-02-25 09:34发布


I am developing on Eclipse on ubuntu and deploy on weblogic. I am fething the system property values using System.getProperty("key") ... how do I pass "-Dxxx=yyy" argument in Eclipse to my weblogic server.

In Run -> Run configurations I dont have “Arguments” tab for weblogic server


I found the solution:

Menu: Run > Run configurations > environment tab
add: JAVA_OPTIONS variable with arguments "-Dxxx=yyy -Daaa=bbb"


I assume you have added the server to the Servers-View in Eclipse. If so you can double click on the server to open the configuration. Under the headline General Information should be a button called Open launch configuration. When you click this button a new window should be opened. Inside this window navigate to the tab called Arguments. There you should be able to configure server arguments.

This works at least for me with Tomcat. I think it should work the same way with weblogic.


My solution was: In the file ../user_projects/domains/mydomain/bin/startWebLogic.sh I added in the line with SAVE_JAVA_OPTIONS="${JAVA_OPTIONS}" the text -Dxxx=yyy, so the result is --> SAVE_JAVA_OPTIONS="${JAVA_OPTIONS} -Dxxx=yyy".