I am using sails.js (node js framework).
I am trying to JSON.stringify one of the objects, but when I do that it omits one of the fields (rooms array below).
Here is what console.log(object) gives me:
[ { rooms: [ [Object], [Object] ],
state: '53df76c278999310248072c6',
name: 'Sydney Center',
menuItems: null,
createdAt: Mon Aug 04 2014 23:42:08 GMT+0300 (Jerusalem Summer Time),
updatedAt: Mon Aug 04 2014 23:42:08 GMT+0300 (Jerusalem Summer Time),
id: '53dff0205c89c03428a31cee' },
{ rooms: [ [Object], [Object], [Object] ],
state: '53df76c278999310248072c6',
createdAt: Mon Aug 04 2014 23:43:21 GMT+0300 (Jerusalem Summer Time),
menuItems: null,
name: 'Batata Center',
updatedAt: Mon Aug 04 2014 23:51:11 GMT+0300 (Jerusalem Summer Time),
id: '53dff06a5c89c03428a31cf3' } ]
JSON output (rooms are not printed):
"state": "53df76c278999310248072c6",
"name": "Sydney Center",
"menuItems": null,
"createdAt": "2014-08-04T20:42:08.885Z",
"updatedAt": "2014-08-04T20:42:08.885Z",
"id": "53dff0205c89c03428a31cee"
"state": "53df76c278999310248072c6",
"createdAt": "2014-08-04T20:43:21.999Z",
"menuItems": null,
"name": "Batata Center",
"updatedAt": "2014-08-04T20:51:11.740Z",
"id": "53dff06a5c89c03428a31cf3"
What might be the problem? The rooms data seems to be fine.
For the complete function (SailsJS):
getCentersData: function(req, res) {
sails.log.info('Teacher.getCentersData: ', req.user.id);
var userId = req.user.id;
teacher: function(cb) {
Teacher.findOne({ user: userId }).populate('centers').exec(cb);
centers: [
'teacher', function(cb, results) {
var allCentersIds = _.pluck(results.teacher.centers, 'id');
rooms: [
'centers', function(cb, results) {
var allRoomIds = [];
_.each(results.centers, function(center) {
allRoomIds = _.union(allRoomIds, _.pluck(center.rooms, 'id'));
children: [
'rooms', function(cb, results) {
var allChildrenIds = [];
_.each(results.rooms, function (room) {
allChildrenIds = _.union(allChildrenIds, _.pluck(room.children, 'id'));
parentUsers: ['children', function(cb, results) {
var allParentIds = [];
_.each(results.children, function (child) {
allParentIds = _.union(allParentIds, _.pluck(child.parents, 'id'));
map: ['parentUsers', function (cb, results) {
// map children to parents
var parentsMapper = _.indexBy(results.parentUsers, 'id');
var childrenMappedToParents = _.map(results.children, function (child) {
var _child = child.toObject();
_child.parents = _.map(child.parents, function (parent) {
return parentsMapper[parent.id];
return _child;
var childrenMapper = _.indexBy(childrenMappedToParents, 'id');
// map rooms to children
var roomsMappedToChildren = _.map(results.rooms, function (room) {
var _room = room.toObject();
_room.children = _.map(room.children, function (child) {
return childrenMapper[child.id];
return _room;
var roomsMapper = _.indexBy(roomsMappedToChildren, 'id');
// map center to rooms
var centersMappedToRooms = _.map(results.centers, function (center) {
var _center = center.toObject();
_center.rooms = _.map(center.rooms, function (room) {
return roomsMapper[room.id];
return _center;
sails.log.info('centersMappedToRooms',centersMappedToRooms ); // includes rooms array
sails.log.info('centersMappedToRooms json: ', JSON.stringify(centersMappedToRooms)); // does not include rooms array
return cb(null, centersMappedToRooms);
}, function(err, results) {
if (err) {
return res.serverError(err);
// added prints
sails.log.info("results.map: ", results.map);
sails.log.info("JSON.stringify(results.map): ", JSON.stringify(results.map)); // same same, does not print the rooms array
return res.json(results.map);
schema: true,
attributes: {
name: {
type: 'string',
required: true,
minLength: 5
// Many-To-Many association with Teacher model
teachers: {
collection: 'teacher',
via: 'centers'
// One-To-Many association with State model
state: {
model: 'state'
// One-To-Many association with Room model
rooms: {
collection: 'room',
via: 'center'
// One-To-One association with Principal model
principal: {
model: 'principal'
menuItems: {
type: 'array',
defaultsTo: null