I've added a watch kit app to my iOS app and everything was working fine and running well until I wanted to share data between the two apps.
Whenever I try to add the 'App Groups' capability on the watch kit extension, it tells me that my bundle ID (com.myrealappid.watchkitextension) is not available.
It also informs me that 'No matching provisioning profiles found' in the General tab, and if I try to fix it, it also says that the App ID (com.myrealappid.watchkitextension) is not available.
Logging into the members centre I can't find any reference to a bundle ID with the suffix 'watchkitextension'. I also can't re-add this bundle ID within the members centre because it seems to think it already exists as well.
Has anyone come across this before or have any suggestion on how to fix it?