$text = 'remove this text (keep this text and 123)';
echo preg_replace('', '', $text);
It should output:
(keep this text and 123)
$text = 'remove this text (keep this text and 123)';
echo preg_replace('', '', $text);
It should output:
(keep this text and 123)
Take anything found within the brackets, put it in a capture group and keep that only, like this:
echo preg_replace('/^.*(\(.*\)).*$/', '$1', $text);
This will do it: (and works with nested ()
as well)
$re = '/[^()]*+(\((?:[^()]++|(?1))*\))[^()]*+/';
$text = preg_replace($re, '$1', $text);
Here are a couple test cases:
Non-nested case: 'remove1 (keep1) remove2 (keep2) remove3'
Nested case: 'remove1 ((keep1) keep2 (keep3)) remove2'
Non-nested case: '(keep1)(keep2)'
Nested case: '(keep1) keep2 (keep3)'
Here the 'non preg_replace' way:
$text = 'remove this text (keep this text)' ;
$start = strpos($text,"(") ;
$end = strpos($text,")") ;
echo substr($text,$start+1,$end-$start-1) ; // without brackets
echo substr($text,$start,$end-$start+1) ; // brackets included
- This extracts only the first pair of brackets.
- Replace strpos() with of strrpos() to get the last pair of brackets.
- Nested brackets cause trouble.