Is there a enum/trait for owned values in general, for when you don't want to specify how exactly the value is owned (either shared or not), but you just want to own it.
I need to store references to closures in a struct, which means that they have to live as long as the struct lives. I can't copy them, of course, so they need to be references. But I don't want to make restrictions, so the user of the struct should be able to choose how they want to transfer the ownership.
This is a general problem when you can't copy the values or if they are really big.
Very general example, what I am looking for is this Owned<T>
struct Holder<T> {
value: Owned<T>,
let rc = Rc::new(variable);
let holder = Holder::new(rc.clone());
let holder2 = Holder::new(Box::new(variable2));
An example for a very easy "implementation" of this type would be:
enum Owned<T> {
I hope I could explain what I mean.