I want to replace GetPixel and SetPixel using LockBits method, so I came across this F# lazy pixels reading
open System.Drawing
open System.Drawing.Imaging
let pixels (image:Bitmap) =
let Width = image.Width
let Height = image.Height
let rect = new Rectangle(0,0,Width,Height)
// Lock the image for access
let data = image.LockBits(rect, ImageLockMode.ReadOnly, image.PixelFormat)
// Copy the data
let ptr = data.Scan0
let stride = data.Stride
let bytes = stride * data.Height
let values : byte[] = Array.zeroCreate bytes
// Unlock the image
let pixelSize = 4 // <-- calculate this from the PixelFormat
// Create and return a 3D-array with the copied data
Array3D.init 3 Width Height (fun i x y ->
values.[stride * y + x * pixelSize + i])
At the end of the code, it returns a 3D array with the copied data.
So the 3D array is a copied image, how do I edit the pixels of the 3D array such as changing color? What is the pixelSize for? Why store an image in 3D byte array not 2D?
Example if we want to use 2D array instead, and I want to change the colors of specified pixels, how do we go about doing that?
Do we do operations on the given copied image in bytearray OUTSIDE pixels function OR we do it INSIDE the pixels function before unlocking the image?
If we no longer use GetPixel or SetPixel? How do I retrieve color of the pixels from the copied image byte[]?
If you don't understand my questions, please do explain how do I use above code to do opeation such as "add 50" to R,G,B of every pixel of a given image, without getPixel, setPixel