I'm trying to setup FFT
for a project and really didn't get a clear picture on things...
Basically, I am using Audio Units
to get the data from the device's microphone. I then want to do FFT
on that data. This is what I understand so far: I need to setup a circular buffer for my data. On each filled buffer, I apply a Hann window
then do an FFT
. However, I still need some help on overlapping. To get more precise results, I understand I need to use this expecially since I am using windowing. However, I can't find anything on this...
Here's what I have so far (used for pitch detection):
// Setup -------------
UInt32 log2N = 10; // 1024 samples
UInt32 N = (1 << log2N);
FFTSetup FFTSettings = vDSP_create_fftsetup(log2N, kFFTRadix2);
FFTData.realp = (float *) malloc(sizeof(float) * N/2);
FFTData.imagp = (float *) malloc(sizeof(float) * N/2);
float * hannWindow = (float *) malloc(sizeof(float) * N);
// create an array of floats to represent a hann window
vDSP_hann_window(hannWindow, N, 0);
// FFT Time ----------
// Moving data from A to B via hann window
vDSP_vmul(A, 1, hannWindow, 1, B, 1, N);
// Converting data in B into split complex form
vDSP_ctoz((COMPLEX *) B, 2, &FFTData, 1, N/2);
// Doing the FFT
vDSP_fft_zrip(FFTSettings, &FFTData, 1, log2N, kFFTDirection_Forward);
// calculating square of magnitude for each value
vDSP_zvmags(&FFTData, 1, FFTData.realp, 1, N/2);
// Inverse FFT
vDSP_fft_zrip(FFTSettings, &FFTData, 1, log2N, kFFTDirection_Inverse);
// Storing the autocorrelation results in B
vDSP_ztoc(&FFTData, 1, (COMPLEX *)B, 2, N/2);
vDSP_Length lastZeroCrosssing;
vDSP_Length zeroCrossingCount;
vDSP_nzcros(B, 1, N, &lastZeroCrossing, &zeroCrossingCount, N);
// Cleanup -----------
So where and how would I include overlapping? Also, any code snippets would be more then welcome. Thanks
The final goal for this project is to do a fingerprinting of the audio, as close to real-time as possible so I need the results as accurate as possible - thus the overlapping. For this purpose I think I could actually drop all the part from inverse to cleanup.