I have a class Person, and a set of data properties: First_Name, Surname, Gender, DoB, Country_of_Birth. The data properties have their Domains set to Person. What i would like to set up in my ontology is a rule which states that every Person must have exactly 1 of each of these properties.
So in Protege, I set up Person as a subclass of "First_Name exactly 1 xsd:string", "Surname exactly 1 xsd:string" and so on. I then set up an Individual with a Surname, but no First_Name, Gender etc.
I then run the reasoner. What I would expect is for it to throw a fit about inconsistency (Surname is being assigned to an individual which does not conform to the requirements to be a Person) but no, the reasoner infers that the Individual is a Person despite the fact that it does not have the required properties.
Is this proper behaviour? How do I make the ontology behave in the way that I want it to? Because what I want is for the ontology to be robust against incomplete data (so you can't add a person with no name, for example).