Let's imagine we have such a component in Spring:
public class MyComponent {
private String text;
If we define the property placeholder:
<context:property-placeholder location="classpath:myProps.properties"/>
And myPropos.properties contains the value for someProperty the value will be injected to the text field when the context is initialized. That's quite simple and easy.
But let's say that I have a service that enables user to change the value of the someProperty:
public void changeProp(String name, String newValue);
Is there a chance I can re-inject the newValue to text field. I mean it should be quite straight forward.. Basically it's nothing different than the after-initialization injection. I can not imagine that Spring does not have support for this? Can I fire some event or something?
I could do this on my own basically, but I wander is it maybe something there already? If not does anyone know what Spring class is in fact handling the injections at the first place? I could probably reuse the code there do perform this on my own if a solution does not exists.