So, I'm looking to do a background image in CSS using a sprite sheet. And just to be clear, no I am not going for this effect. I have a full sprite sheet, and I would like to take a 16px by 16px square on the sheet and set it as the background that will be repeated.
At some point in the future, I hope to be able to do this via spacial dimensions using media fragments in the URL parameter, but since this isn't supported yet I'm looking for an alternative. Is there any way to get this same effect via modern CSS techniques or hacks?
Some notes:
- I don't need to support old browsers, just the latest FF or Chrome will do.
- I would prefer pure CSS solutions. I can and will create a JS/Canvas solution with data:URI's if I need to but considering how many elements I may need this for, I would prefer to not have to do that if I can get better results via pure CSS.
- Need to repeat in both
and y
- Looking for solution that takes advantage of a single image in memory/cache so that I don't have to load the sprite-sheet for every sprite I want to insert
Here's a pure CSS solution that works in Firefox only, but seems to meet all your requirements.
body{ background-image: -moz-image-rect(
); }
Example at
There is only one method that falls under your conditions (the hardest one is the need to repeat): using the border-image
The dabblet with the demo:
The point is: you can mark the part that you want to use using the border-image-slice part of the border-image
property. The syntax is a bit tricky, but using it you could create different repeating paterns from border-images. Also, when the needed parts are not on the edge, or when you need to repeat the image both on X and Y, you'll need a clip
property, so you'll need a block to be absolute positioned. All these things work even in Opera.
But, there is one bad, bad thing: the rendering of central part of border-image is a kelly hell: there is a difference not only between webkit and mozilla, but even between the Safari and Chrome, so I added a lot of hacks there.
In conclusion: the goal can be achieved, but with a hell of a hacks.
So, I'd advice you to use the data:uri, 'cause there are no other ways to do this in webkits and Fx both (in Fx-only you could use the -moz-image-rect
as mentioned above).