I used a knockout.js templatescript to create a form that can be duplicated and deleted. The fiddle can be found here.
I editted the script with a litle help from SE to add a jquery-ui datepicker. The short version of the fiddle can be found [here][2]. So far so good, but when testing i found out that everything works in any browser, except for IExplorer (various versions).
The problem is in this specific part, but i have no clue where.
script type='text/javascript'>//<![CDATA[
ko.bindingHandlers.datepicker = {
init: function (element, valueAccessor, allBindingsAccessor) {
var options = allBindingsAccessor().datepickerOptions || {};
//handle the field changing
ko.utils.registerEventHandler(element, "change", function () {
var observable = valueAccessor();
//handle disposal (if KO removes by the template binding)
ko.utils.domNodeDisposal.addDisposeCallback(element, function () {
Also now we're at it. The datepicker doesn't close when you click outside the box. This happens in any browser.
Additional questions
I use this (and many others) to autocorrect a field. In this case uppercase the input. This works excellent on the first form. But not on any duplicate forms.
$(".hoofdletters").keyup(function(e) { $(".hoofdletters").val(($(".hoofdletters").val()).toUpperCase()); });
When i use uniqueName: true, every field (also duplicated forms) will get validated. But my $_POST names are all renamed. I would like the originall field names, for example year[] instead of ko_unique_1. Works when removing uniqueName, but then the duplicated forms don't validate anymore.
[2]: http://jsfiddle.net/QUxyy/5/
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