How to groupByKey a RDD, with DenseVector as key,

2019-02-25 00:57发布


I have created an RDD with each member being a key value pair with the key being a DenseVector and value being an int. e.g.

[(DenseVector([3,4]),10),  (DenseVector([3,4]),20)]

Now I want to group by the key k1: DenseVector([3,4]). I expect the behaviour to be grouping all the values of the key k1 which are 10 and 20. But the result I get is

[(DenseVector([3,4]), 10), (DenseVector([3,4]), 20)] 

instead of

[(DenseVector([3,4]), [10,20])]

Please let me know if I am missing something.

The code for the same is :

#simplified version of code
#rdd1 is an rdd containing [(DenseVector([3,4]),10),  (DenseVector([3,4]),20)]
rdd1.groupByKey().map(lambda x : (x[0], list(x[1])))


Well, thats a tricky question and short answer is you can't. To understand why you'll have to dig deeper into DenseVector implementation. DenseVector is simply a wrapper around NumPy float64 ndarray

>>> dv1 = DenseVector([3.0, 4.0])
>>> type(dv1.array)
<type 'numpy.ndarray'>
>>> dv1.array.dtype

Since NumPy ndarrays, unlike DenseVector are mutable cannot be hashed in a meaningful way, although what is interesting provide __hash__ method. There is an interesting question which covers this issue (see: numpy ndarray hashability).

>>> dv1.array.__hash__() is None
>>> hash(dv1.array)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: unhashable type: 'numpy.ndarray'

DenseVector inherits __hash__ method from object and it is simply based on an id (memory address of a given instance):

>>> id(d1) / 16 == hash(d1)

Unfortunately it means that two DenseVectors with the same content have different hashes:

>>> dv2 = DenseVector([3.0, 4.0])
>>> hash(dv1) == hash(dv2)

What can you do? The simplest thing is to use an immutable data structure which provides consistent hash implementation, for example tuple:

rdd.groupBy(lambda (k, v): tuple(k))

Note: In practice using arrays as a key is most likely a bad idea. With large number of elements hashing process can be far to expensive to be useful. Still, if you really need something like this Scala seems to work just fine:

import org.apache.spark.mllib.linalg.Vectors

val rdd = sc.parallelize(
    (Vectors.dense(3, 4), 10) :: (Vectors.dense(3, 4), 20) :: Nil)