Module 'ssh2' already loaded in Unknown on

2019-02-25 00:44发布


I use the functions below to copy files from one server to another. It works most of the time, but sometimes I start getting this error in log files:

Module 'ssh2' already loaded in Unknown on line 0

And it stops copying. Later for some reason, the error will stop and copying will start working again. What is the issue here?

function getConn($server,$username,$password)
    $connection = 0;

    if (function_exists("ssh2_connect")) 
        $connection = ssh2_connect($server, 3817);
            if(ssh2_auth_password($connection, $username, $password))
                return $connection;
    return 0;
function scp($server,$username,$password,$remotepath,$localpath)
    $connection = 0;
    $connection = $this->getConn($server,$username,$password);
        $ret = ssh2_scp_send($connection, $localpath, $remotepath, 0644);
        ssh2_exec($connection, 'exit'); 


The error message Module 'ssh2' already loaded in Unknown on line 0 means that there's something off in your PHP configuration. Check to see if there's a line that says in your php.ini. If so, remove it and check if everything is still working. Possibly, the is loaded twice, meaning PHP will complain that the module is already loaded.

Good luck.


In my case, I commented out the one line in ssh2.ini located here: /etc/php5/mods-available/ssh2.ini

The content of this file now is as follow:




If the above does not work, take a look inside /etc/php5/conf.d

If you see duplicate ssh2.ini files, remove any extra ones.

In my case I had 50-ssh2.ini and ss2.ini. Both files were providing the line:

For me removing 50-ssh2.ini solved the issue.

标签: php ssh