Custom Query Pagination Cakephp

2019-02-25 00:07发布


I have a custom query in my controller and I would like to implement the custom query pagination I found on but their example is not similar to mine. Can someone please help me paginate this result in my view:

    $cars = $this->Car->query(" select, Car.make, Car.model, Car.year, Car.description, CarImage.thumbnail
                                    from cars Car
                                    inner join car_images CarImage on Car.default_image_id =
                                    where Car.make like '" . $category . "'
                                    order by Car.created DESC
                                    limit 10");
    $this->set('cars', $cars);


Implement paginate and paginateCount in your model:

function paginate($conditions, $fields, $order, $limit, $page, $recursive, $extra)
    return $this->query('SELECT ...');

function paginateCount($conditions, $recursive, $extra)
    return $this->query('SELECT COUNT(.....');

Also check out the paginate function in: cake/libs/controller/controller.php


This looks like it should be able to be done without resorting to using custom pagination.

You should set in the following relationships in your models:

Car hasMany (or hasOne) CarImage
CarImage belongsTo Car

Then you should be able to get this exact data using the following:

class CarsController extends AppController {
  var $paginate = array('limit'=>'10',

  function test() {
    // not sure where you are getting the where clause, if its from some form
    // you'll want to check look in $this->data
    $category = "somevalue";
    // set the LIKE condition
    $conditions = array('Car.make LIKE' => '%'.$category.'%');
    // apply the custom conditions to the pagination
    $this->set('cars', $this->paginate($conditions);

For more information on complex find conditions (which can be applied to paginate by passing in an array like I did in the above example):


In Cake 3 you can use de the deafult paginator with function find() .

Follow the example:

$query = $this->Car->find()
                ->select(['', 'Car.make','Car.model','Car.year','Car.description','CarImage.thumbnail'])
                        'table' => 'CarImage',
                        'alias' => 'CarImage',
                        'type' => 'INNER',
                        'conditions' => ' = Car.default_image_id,
                ->where(['Car.make LIKE' => '%$category%'])
                ->order(['Car.created' => 'DESC'])

        $cars = $this->paginate($query);

        $this->set('_serialize', ['cars']);


mysql limit clause support volume and offset, so 10 results per page....

select * from table limit 0, 10

page 1

select * from table limit 10, 10

page 2

select * from table limit 20, 10

page 3

select * from table limit ($page-1)*$perPage, $perPage



mysql limit clause support volume and offset, so 10 results per page....