Get Unresolved Identifier for MMWormhole in Watch

2019-02-25 00:11发布


My Apple Watch project is in Swift. I have used CocoaPods to install MMWormhole, and I created the bridging header as described in these links:

How to call Objective-C code from Swift

When I created the bridging header, I target it to my iphone app, and also watch Extension.

The bridging header.h, I have this:

#import "MMWormhole.h"

In my iPhone app View Controller, I have this:

import UIKit
import Foundation 

let wormhole = MMWormhole(applicationGroupIdentifier: "group.cocoShareData", optionalDirectory: "wormhole")

and there is no complain.

However, in my watch Interface Controller, I have this:

import WatchKit
import Foundation


override func willActivate() {
        // This method is called when watch view controller is about to be visible to user
        let wormhole = MMWormhole(applicationGroupIdentifier: "group.cocoShareData", optionalDirectory: "wormhole")

And it complains about "Use of unresolved identifier MMWormhole".

I even try to use #import "MMWormholeClient.h" but nothing can resolve this problem.

I also try when creating the bridging header, just target on the iphone App. But still... doesn't work.

I also make pod 'MMWormhole', '~> 1.2.0' in the podfile target for WatchExtension. but still not identified MMWormhole in the Watch interfaceController

Am I missing something ?

here is my project:


Here is my answer. After few days of struggle and help from a code mentor:

Problems are:

1) The Objective-C bridge has to set the correct path and header search path so both IOS & WatchExt can use
2) The PodFile in MMWormhole must target for both iOS & WatchExt. 
3) The code in MMWormhole npm page is not correct.  Move the instantiation of MMWormhole out and be a class Variable.

Here is the brief step by step:

Objective C Bridge

  • Add App Groups for both iPhone App & Watch Ext
  • Add Objective C
  • Target on both
  • Build Settings: Set the *.h in relative path for both iOS & Watch Ext. set the *.h relative path. e.g. ../MMWormholeTest/MMWormholeTest/MMWormholeTest-Bridging-Header.h
  • Add Header Search path: ${PRODS_ROOT}/Headers , recursive for both IOS 7 Watch Ext


  • Cocoa pods it.
  • Set pod 'MMWormhole', '~> 1.2.0’ target for both iOS & Watch Ext in Podfile
  • Set #import “MMWormhole.h” in bridging header file.
  • in both ViewController & InterfaceOController, set wormhole as class scope variable. e.g. var wormhole:MMWormhole!
  • Instantiate MMWormhole in ViewDidLoad and awakeWithContext in WatchExt, set listener in awakeWithContext , and use self.lable.setText because of closure. e.g. self.label.setText(messageObject! as! String)
  • No need to register receiver as shown in some other MMWormhole examples in Stack overflow.