In short, I am looking for a single recursive query that can perform multiple replaces over one string. I have a notion it can be done, but am failing to wrap my head around it.
Granted, I'd prefer the biz-layer of the application, or even the CLR, to do the replacing, but these are not options in this case.
More specifically, I want to replace the below mess - which is C&P in 8 different stored procedures - with a TVF.
SET @temp = REPLACE(RTRIM(@target), '~', '-')
SET @temp = REPLACE(@temp, '''', '-')
SET @temp = REPLACE(@temp, '!', '-')
SET @temp = REPLACE(@temp, '@', '-')
SET @temp = REPLACE(@temp, '#', '-')
-- 23 additional lines reducted
SET @target = @temp
Here is where I've started:
-- I have a split string TVF called tvf_SplitString that takes a string
-- and a splitter, and returns a table with one row for each element.
-- EDIT: tvf_SplitString returns a two-column table: pos, element, of which
-- pos is simply the row_number of the element.
FROM dbo.tvf_SplitString('~-''-!-@-#', '-') MM
Notice I've joined all the offending characters into a single string separated by '-' (knowing that '-' will never be one of the offending characters), which is then split. The result from this query looks like:
So, the replace clearly works, but now I want it to be recursive so I can pull the top 1 and eventually come out with:
Any ideas on how to accomplish this with one query?
EDIT: Well, actual recursion isn't necessary if there's another way. I'm pondering the use of a table of numbers here, too.