I am able to update a row by providing the range using the spreadsheets.values.update method, with the following the code:
$range = "A1:B1";
$valueRange= new Google_Service_Sheets_ValueRange();
$valueRange->setValues(["values" => ["a", "b"]]);
$conf = ["valueInputOption" => "RAW"];
$service->spreadsheets_values->update($spreadsheetId, $range, $valueRange, $conf);
When using the spreadsheets.values.append method, with the following code:
$range = "A1:B";
$valueRange= new Google_Service_Sheets_ValueRange();
$valueRange->setValues(["values" => ["a", "b"]]);
$conf = ["valueInputOption" => "RAW"];
$ins = ["insertDataOption" => "INSERT_ROWS"];
$service->spreadsheets_values->append($spreadsheetId, $range, $valueRange, $conf, $ins);
I get the following error message:
PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined method Google_Service_Sheets_Resource_SpreadsheetsValues::append()
What is wrong ?