Laravel Redirect does not work in Event handler /

2019-02-24 15:03发布


I have a Auth.Attempt event handler class, which I detect user's login attempts to decide to lock user's account. However, when I tried to redirect user to login page with a flash message, I found the redirection does not work, it's still carry on next step. I want to interrupt the process in the event and give my custom warning message. Can anyone help me out? Thanks a lot.

My event handler:

namespace MyApp\Handlers\Security;

use DB;
use Session;
use Redirect;

class LoginHandler 
     * Maximum attempts
     * If user tries to login but failed more than this number, User account will be locked
     * @var integer
    private $max_attemtps;

     * Maximum attempts per IP
     * If an IP / Device tries to login but failed more than this number, the IP will be blocked
     * @var integer
    private $ip_max_attempts;

    public function __construct()
        $this->max_attempts = 10;
        $this->ip_max_attempts = 5;

    public function onLoginAttempt($data)
        //detection process.......
        // if login attempts more than max attempts
        return Redirect::to('/')->with('message', 'Your account has been locked.');

Now the way I am doing this is like below:

Session::flash('message', 'Your account has been locked.');
header('Location: '.URL::to('/'));

It works but I am not sure if it's perfect way to do it.


Not getting to much into this very interesting discussion:

Should exceptions be used for flow control

You can try setting up your own exception handler and redirect from there on to the login page.

class FancyException extends Exception {}

App::error(function(FancyException $e, $code, $fromConsole)
    $msg = $e->getMessage();        

    if ( $fromConsole )
        return 'Error '.$code.': '.$msg."\n";

    if (Config::get('app.debug') == false) {
        return Redirect::route('your.login.route');
        //some debug stuff here


And in your function:

public function onLoginAttempt($data)
    //detection process.......
    // if login attempts more than max attempts
    throw new FancyException("some msg here");