I have written a small program in MonoTouch to record sound from the mic of my iPhone 4s using an InputAudioQueue.
I save the recorded data in an array and feed this buffer to the my audio player for playback (using OutputAudioQueue).
When playing back it's just some stuttering garbage / static sound. I have tried filling the buffer with sin waves before playback and then it sounds good, so I guess the problem is in the recording, not the playback. Can anyone help me see what is wrong? (Code below)
public class AQRecorder
private const int CountAudioBuffers = 3;
private const int AudioBufferLength = 22050;
private const int SampleRate = 44100;
private const int BitsPerChannel = 16;
private const int Channels = 1;
private const int MaxRecordingTime = 5;
private AudioStreamBasicDescription audioStreamDescription;
private InputAudioQueue inputQueue;
private short[] rawData;
private int indexNextRawData;
public AQRecorder ()
this.audioStreamDescription.Format = AudioFormatType.LinearPCM;
this.audioStreamDescription.FormatFlags = AudioFormatFlags.LinearPCMIsSignedInteger |
this.audioStreamDescription.SampleRate = AQRecorder.SampleRate;
this.audioStreamDescription.BitsPerChannel = AQRecorder.BitsPerChannel;
this.audioStreamDescription.ChannelsPerFrame = AQRecorder.Channels;
this.audioStreamDescription.BytesPerFrame = (AQRecorder.BitsPerChannel / 8) * AQRecorder.Channels;
this.audioStreamDescription.FramesPerPacket = 1;
this.audioStreamDescription.BytesPerPacket = audioStreamDescription.BytesPerFrame * audioStreamDescription.FramesPerPacket;
this.audioStreamDescription.Reserved = 0;
public void Start ()
int totalBytesToRecord = this.audioStreamDescription.BytesPerFrame * AQRecorder.SampleRate * AQRecorder.MaxRecordingTime;
this.rawData = new short[totalBytesToRecord / sizeof(short)];
this.indexNextRawData = 0;
this.inputQueue = SetupInputQueue (this.audioStreamDescription);
this.inputQueue.Start ();
public void Stop ()
if (this.inputQueue.IsRunning)
this.inputQueue.Stop (true);
public short[] GetData ()
return this.rawData;;
private InputAudioQueue SetupInputQueue (AudioStreamBasicDescription audioStreamDescription)
InputAudioQueue inputQueue = new InputAudioQueue (audioStreamDescription);
for (int count = 0; count < AQRecorder.CountAudioBuffers; count++)
IntPtr bufferPointer;
inputQueue.AllocateBuffer(AQRecorder.AudioBufferLength, out bufferPointer);
inputQueue.EnqueueBuffer(bufferPointer, AQRecorder.AudioBufferLength, null);
inputQueue.InputCompleted += HandleInputCompleted;
return inputQueue;
private void HandleInputCompleted (object sender, InputCompletedEventArgs e)
short* shortPtr = (short*)e.IntPtrBuffer;
for (int count = 0; count < AQRecorder.AudioBufferLength; count += sizeof(short))
if (indexNextRawData >= this.rawData.Length)
this.inputQueue.Stop (true);
this.rawData [indexNextRawData] = *shortPtr;
this.inputQueue.EnqueueBuffer(e.IntPtrBuffer, AQRecorder.AudioBufferLength, null);