I have the same question as #1895500, but with PostgreSQL not MySQL.
How can I define a view that has a calculated field, for example:
(mytable.col1 * 2) AS times_two
... and create another calculated field that's based on the first one:
(times_two * 2) AS times_four
Depending on how heavy the formla is, you could use a subquery:
select inner.*, times_two * 2 from
(select mycol * 2 as times_two from table) sub
Or rewrite the computation:
select mycol * 2, mycol * 2 * 2 from table
Use this statement
CREATE VIEW view_name as SELECT column_name*2 as new_col1 , column_name*4 as new_col2 from table_name ;
select * from view_name ;
If you want use this view column values. use following things
create view new_viwe as select new_col1*2 as final_column from view_name ;
select * from new_view ;