I am working on writing BDD specifications for a broad set of WCF service infrastructure I am writing. I have noticed that each specification I write that involves a call to ServiceHost.Open(), that line takes a good 2 - 6 seconds to execute (the time keeps growing as I add more and more specs). I noticed that when this method is called, a Win32Exception is thrown:
Win32Exception occurred
Message: The specified domain either does not exist or could not be contacted.
Stack Trace: at System.ServiceModel.UpnEndpointIdentity.GetUpnFromDownlevelName(String downlevelName)
NativeErrorCode: 1355
ErrorCode: -2147467259
The ServiceModel configuration is as follows:
<service name="TestServices.Calculator" behaviorConfiguration="default">
contract="TestServiceContracts.ICalculator" />
contract="IMetadataExchange" />
<add baseAddress="http://localhost/calculator" />
<behavior name="default" >
<serviceMetadata httpGetEnabled="true" />
Note: I have configured Http.sys and added http://+:80/calculator/ as an http namespace exclusion, so that is not part of the problem.
This error is most severe on a Windows 7 Ultimate system. On a Vista Ultimate system, it does not seem to cause as much of a performance hit, however ServiceHost.Open() is the vast bulk of the time spent in execution. I don't understand why it is an issue at all when the URL's are localhost...I would expect the loopback interface to be the fastest of all.