So i am using a static site generator called Bonsai that uses a few codependencies like handlebars, tilt and liquid templating. now following best practices i am building it on HTML5. i have tested the format extensively on chrome and firefox and opera. saving the worst for last IE.
first before those who are going to give the obvious solutions, i have included html5shiv in the head and i have set in css:
/* HTML5 display-role reset for older browsers */
article, aside, details, figcaption, figure, footer, header, hgroup, menu, nav, section {
display: block;
i would like to have IE 8 and 9 support really i dont care much for the older ones. now the header does not render at all, when looking at the console in IE9 i can see that there is nothing even being put through. i thought that it was becasue it was trying to pull the shiv file from an online source so i downloaded the html5shiv.js file and linked it in the head and called it as follows:
<!--[if lte IE 9]>
<script src="/js/html5shiv.js"></script>
<!--[if IE]>
<script src=""></script>
and nothing still so just as a test i broke the if statement by removing the 9 in the above link. when refreshing the page it now displays the header block with this above it
<!--[if lt IE ]> <![endif]-->
if i make the if statement look for IE and not a specific version it dosent render and if i specify the version it doesnt render, if i remove the if statement and just call the html5shiv.js file in the head it doesnt render. its only rendered if i break the if statement?? sorry if this is a noobish question this is my first attempt at HTML5 what am i missing??
so yeah you can go see the site its here. sorry Ian i stackoverflow comments renders the http:// so it is there it just didnt show it in the comment.
i have tried
<!--[if IE ]> <![endif]--> //all versions of IE
<!--[if lt IE 9]> <![endif]--> //all versions of IE before 9
<!--[if lte IE 9 ]> <![endif]--> // version 9 of IE
none are working.. and all my HTML is pretty strait up.. well before it complies this is what it looks like
{% include "shared/nav" %}
the nav that i am referencing to in the above looks like this
<nav id="navigation">
<div id="nav_div_home" class="nav_buttons"><a id="nav_home" class="left_nav" href="/">Home</a></div>
<div id="nav_div_system" class="nav_buttons"><a id="nav_system" class="left_nav" href="/systems/">Systems</a></div>
<div id="nav_div_studies" class="nav_buttons"><a id="nav_studies" class="left_nav" href="/studies/">Studies</a></div>
<img id="nav_logo" src="/images/logo3.png" alt="Mpowered logo">
<div id="nav_div_approach" class="nav_buttons"><a id="nav_approach" class="right_nav" href="/approach/">Approach</a></div>
<div id="nav_div_about" class="nav_buttons"><a id="nav_about" class="right_nav" href="/about/">About</a></div>
<div id="nav_div_contact" class="nav_buttons"><a id="nav_contact" class="right_nav" href="/contact/">Contact</a></div>
and then the only CSS that i run on the #navigation tag is
#navigation {
height: 150px;
padding-top: 60px;
margin: 0px auto;
width: 960px;
but i cant see how that would break the header tag??