
Obtaining Generated Unique Version from Maven Snap

2019-02-24 10:14发布


As per the manual, with Maven 3 we're forced to use uniqueSnapshots=true. This means that each deployment of 1.0-SNAPSHOT is actually backed by some unique, canonical ID e.g. 1.0-20080207-230803-1.

As a result, invoking mvn deploy produces artifacts whose canonical version cannot be determined before the mvn executable is invoked.

Therefore, if one wishes to invoke any operations on the unique ID generated afterwards, one must try to extract the generated ID from the maven executable after mvn deploy completes.

Is there any such mechanism to obtain the unique ID?

For example, mvn deploy will produce the following output:

Uploading: https://oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/snapshots/io/airlift/slice/0.11-SNAPSHOT/slice-0.11-20150220.165404-2.jar

But there seems to be no way to access the ID 0.11-20150220.165404-2 without parsing the output from Maven.

Example scenario: mvn build results in a new (unique) artifact being pushed to an internal repository manager. After that completes, we wish to push a notification over HTTP to inform some remote application of a new SNAPSHOT version of the application.

Although our repository manager allows us to query for the latest SNAPSHOT version, this is not the same as being able to pass absolute references to specific versions around.


The maven-deploy-plugin does not store the deployment timestamp in system properties.

If you want to take a look at the source code (and maybe make an enhancement request), this deployment timestamp is calculated in class org.apache.maven.artifact.transform.SnapshotTransformation by the method getDeploymentTimestamp of the project maven-artifact-manager.

The final version of the deployed artifact is calculated in method construcVersion : the SNAPSHOT is replaced by timestamp-buildNumber, where timestamp is the result of getDeploymentTimestamp and buildNumber is an increment.

It should be possible to store this constructed version with System.setProperty("something", version); and then access it in the pom.xml with ${something}.