Another newb question here, but hopefully someone can shed some light:
I am using Socialite with Laravel 5, and I want to be able to redirect the user to a page on the site after they have logged in. The problem is that using
return redirect('any-path-I-put-here');
simply redirects back to 'social-site/login?code=afkjadfkjdslkfjdlkfj...' (where 'social-site' is whatever site is being used i.e. facebook, twitter, google, etc.)
So, what appears to me to be happening is that the redirect() function in the Socialite/Contracts/Provider interface is overriding any redirect that I attempt after the fact.
Just for clarification, my routes are set up properly. I have tried every version of 'redirect' you can imagine ('to', 'back', 'intended', Redirect::, etc.), and the method is being called from my Auth Controller (though I have tried it elsewhere as well).
The question is, how do I override that redirect() once I am done storing and logging in the user with socialite? Any help is appreciated! Thank you in advance.
The code that contains the redirect in question is:
public function socialRedirect( $route, $status, $greeting, $user )
$this->auth->login( $user, true );
if( $status == 'new_user' ) {
// This is a new member. Make sure they see the welcome modal on redirect
\Session::flash( 'new_registration', true );
return redirect()->to( $route );// This is just the most recent attempt. It originated with return redirect($route);, and has been attempted every other way you can imagine as well (as mentioned above). Hardcoding (i.e., 'home') returns the exact same result. The socialite redirect always overrides anything that is put here.
else {
return redirect()->to( $route )->with( [ 'greeting' => $greeting ] );
... The SocialAuth class that runs before this, however, is about 500 lines long, as it has to determine if the user exists, register new users if necessary, show forms for different scenarios, etc. Meanwhile, here is the function that sends the information through from the Social Auth class:
private function socialLogin( $socialUser, $goto, $provider, $status, $controller )
if( is_null( $goto ) ) {
$goto = 'backlot/' . $socialUser->profile->custom_url;
if( $status == 'new_user' ) {
return $controller->socialRedirect($goto, $status, null, $socialUser);
else {
// This is an existing member. Show them the welcome back status message.
$message = 'You have successfully logged in with your ' .
ucfirst( $provider ) . ' credentials.';
$greeting =
flash()->success( 'Welcome back, ' . $socialUser->username . '. ' . $message );
return $controller->socialRedirect($goto, $status, $greeting, $socialUser);