how to do Transpose in corresponding few columns i

2019-02-24 09:18发布


I was wondering is it possible to do transposition corresponding few columns in pig/hive.
as dealing with data i got below requirement

id      jan     feb     march
1       j1      f1      m1
2       j2      f2      m2
3       j3      f3      m3

where i need to transpose it against first column, so it would look like -

id      value   month
1       j1      jan
1       f1      feb
1       m1      march
2       j2      jan
2       f2      feb
2       m2      march
3       j3      jan
3       f3      feb
3       m3      march

I have tried this with java, but to get it into distributed mode is there any way to do it in pig/hive.
appreciating your help in advance!!


Pig doesn't have any built-in function to solve your requirement, but you can try the below approach, i guess it will work for you.


1       j1      f1      m1
2       j2      f2      m2
3       j3      f3      m3


A = LOAD 'input.txt' USING PigStorage() AS (id,month1,month2,month3);
B = FOREACH A GENERATE FLATTEN(TOBAG(TOTUPLE(id,month1,'jan'),TOTUPLE(id,month2,'feb'),TOTUPLE(id,month3,'mar')));




Yes this is definitely possible in Hive using the built-in "stack" UDF and a case statement. Something like this should work:

select id, value, CASE
WHEN value like 'j%'
THEN 'jan'
WHEN value like 'f%'
THEN 'feb'
WHEN value like 'm%'
THEN 'march'
END as month
from table
lateral view stack(3, jan, feb, march) tb as value

Let me know if this works.