How to copy files from Liberty on Bluemix to Windo

2019-02-24 08:33发布


I'm using Windows7, I have cf setup, my app has been migrated to Diego and I can ssh into my app (cf ssh APPNAME). I can run scp within my ssh but I don't know what options to use.

From what I can tell, scp expects the target machine to have ssh running. So if I was connnected to Bluemix from a Linux box, the target would be my local box and a user that had ssh access. Since I'm running windows, that's not available by default.

If all of that is true, then I think I have a few options: - use Linux instead - install ssh into windows - possibly use something like winscp but I'm not sure if bluemix can only be accessed via the 'cf ssh' command



You should be able to use something like WinSCP to transfer files. You'll need to get a few things using the CF CLI first.

  1. get the app guid from the command (where <app_name> represents the name of your app): cf app <app_name> --guid
  2. get a one-time ssh code: cf ssh-code

Next, find the appropriate endpoint for your Bluemix region:

  1. for US South
  2. for United Kingdom
  3. for Sydney

In WinSCP (or similar tool), use SCP file protocol, set the username to cf:<guid>/<app_instance> where <guid> is the guid from the above commands and <app_instance> is the instance number of your app (0 if your app only has one instance). Set the host/port according to the host/port shown above for your Bluemix region, and set the password to your ssh-code from the cf ssh-code command.

You will then be able to login, remember that the ssh-code is one-time use so you'll need to regenerate that part every time you connect.

标签: ssh ibm-cloud