
xcode - “attempt to use a deleted function” - what

2019-02-24 08:31发布


I am writing a C++ library in Xcode 4.2

One of my classes won't compile with this error : "attempt to use a deleted function".

There is no specific indication what function it's talking about. I don't want to post the class code here, but does anybody have any idea what this error means? It's nowhere to be found on Google... :(

thanks a bunch



In C++11 you can declare functions as deleted:

struct Foo {
    Foo(const Foo &) = delete;

Attempting to use such a function is an error. The purpose of doing this is so that, in this example, copy construction of this type is not possible. This is a more direct replacement for the non-copyable trick used pre-C++11.

Also, there are rules in the C++ spec that lead to member functions being implicitly deleted.

The error is telling you that your program attempts to use a deleted function. You'll have to post the error you're getting for more detailed help.


I had a similar message with threads (C++11). It turned out that I was passing the wrong number of parameters to the function called by the thread so the thread did not find any function suitable and gave that message.


To add to Carlos' answer, I had the right number of arguments but one of the arguments was being passed by reference. Adding ref() around the variable fixed it for me. See here.


For me It solved it when I passed "this" pointer as a parameter to the function.


For me, the issue was that one of the arguments was a pointer, and I passed NULL directly as an argument. To solve this, I simply created a new NULL pointer which I passed to the function as an l-value instead.