Is there any Hive internal process that connects to reduce or map tasks?
Adding to that!
- How does Hive work in relation with MapReduce?
- How is the job getting scheduled?
- How does the query result return to the hive driver?
Is there any Hive internal process that connects to reduce or map tasks?
Adding to that!
For HIVE there is no process to communicate Map/Reduce tasks directly. It's communicates (flow 6.3) with Jobtracker
(Application Master in YARN) only for job processing related things once it got scheduled.
This image will give clear understanding about,
- How HIVE uses MapReduce as execution engine?
- How is the job getting scheduled?
- How does the result return to the driver?
Edit: suggested by dennis-jaheruddin
Hive is typically controlled by means of HQL (Hive Query Language) which is often conveniently abbreviated to Hive.