I'm very new to python programming and to this site. I'm currently working on a problem and can't seem to understand the error.
import math
# Problem number 5.
A5 = 5
B5 = 0
C5 = 6.5
# Root1
x9 = (-B5 + math.sqrt(B5**2 - 4*A5*C5))/(2*A5)
# Root2
x10 = (-B5 + math.sqrt(B5**2 - 4*A5*C5))/(2*A5)
# Print solution
print('Problem #5')
print('Root 1: ',x9)
print('Root 2: ',x10)
I get this after i run it:
x9 = (-B5 + math.sqrt(B5**2 - 4*A5*C5))/(2*A5)
ValueError: math domain error
I did the problem on paper and got an answer for both...