I'm attempting to create a sql script that should check to see if a row exists. If one doesn't exist, I want to create one and if one does exist, I want to update it.
However, in my code below, the INSERT line throws the following error:
View or function '' is not updatable because the modification affects multiple base tables.
Is there a way to find out what other base tables this would affect and how to achieve my objective?
SQL code:
IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM g4b_stockcountsummary
WHERE g4b_stockcountid = @scid AND g4b_protoproductid = @ppid)
--stock count data doesn't exist for the given product/stock count, create new record
SET @difference = @count - @expectedtotal
INSERT INTO g4b_stockcountsummary (g4b_stockcountsummaryid, g4b_stockcountid, g4b_protoproductid, g4b_expectedtotal, g4b_counttotal, g4b_difference)
VALUES (NEWID(), @scid, @ppid, @expectedtotal, @count, @difference)
--stock count data already exists for the given product/stock count, update record
DECLARE @originalcount INT
SET @originalcount = (SELECT g4b_counttotal FROM g4b_stockcountsummary
WHERE g4b_stockcountid = @scid AND g4b_protoproductid = @ppid)
SET @count = @originalcount + @count
SET @difference = @count - @expectedtotal
UPDATE g4b_stockcountsummary
SET g4b_expectedtotal = @expectedtotal,
g4b_counttotal = @count,
g4b_difference = @difference
WHERE g4b_stockcountid = @scid
AND g4b_protoproductid = @ppid