So I'm revisiting this from yesterday:
Multi-column vlookup conditional formatting
Everything is working as intended with the conditional formatting statement that Scott Holtzman provided (Thanks Scott!). Now I've run into a little issue. I need to count the individual cells based on their background color and have it show in another sheet. I found this:
The VBA script is doing well to count cells that I manually fill... but it's not counting the cells that are filled by the conditional formatting function. Anyone have any idea as to how to get around this little hiccup?? As always, anyone who can provide any insight is always appreciated!! :)
Unfortunately, there is not a direct way / VBA methods or properties can give the color of the cell which has conditional formatting applied. As you know, your default/manually filled color will be overridden by conditional formatting. When it comes to conditional formatting, a cell can have more than one condition applied which means more than one color is possible for the cell, which is very dynamic.
cColor= rng.FormatConditions(1).Interior.ColorIndex ' Color of formula 1 if true
cColor= rng.FormatConditions(2).Interior.ColorIndex ' Color of formula 2 if true
cColor= rng.FormatConditions(3).Interior.ColorIndex ' Color of formula 3 if true
Also, these format condition objects have priority value set, so they can get overridden over other based on priority. You can run through all conditions applied on a cell and find colors for each formula,
For i = 1 To rng.FormatConditions.Count
cColor = rng.FormatConditions(i).Interior.ColorIndex ' Color of formula i
Next i
But, this gives only the colors assigned to each condition, how to get the current color of a cell on which these conditions are applied. You will have to evaluate the condition manually with the cell value to conclude whether the condition for the cell returns true or false, then get the color for the same.
Seems to be difficult, isn't it? But, this is better explained with code which may help you get what you want. Please refer to the links below,
Get Displayed Cell Color (whether from Conditional Formatting or not)
Conditional Formatting Colors
Hope that helps.