Let's make a case to explain my problem.
MyView1 exists in the case, from data from the MyTable1. Now i want to create a Navigation property from my EF6.1 Code first approach in my View to MyTable2.
I know that it was possible from the database first approach, but is it also possible from the code-first approach and how?
I search some on internet, but due many meanings of the word View, it's very hard to find information on it.
Also with the approaches in codes that i tried, i always get an error that the migration can't be completed. Because the Migration tries to add an foreign key to the view, which isn't possible.
To elaborate a bit more on my explanation. I want to be able to approach it in code the following way:
Guid table2Id = context.MyView1.FirstOrDefault().MyTable2.id;
I will eleborate a bit more, to see if i can get my problem better explained.
When i added the following to my view Entity:
public virtual MyTable2 Table2 { get; set;}
EF will automaticly generate the following migration:
public override void Up() {
CreateIndex("MyView1", "MyTable2Id");
AddForeignKey("MyView1", "MyTable2Id", "MyTable2", "id")
Which on running update-database gives the following error :
"Cannot create index on view 'MyView1' because the view is not schema bound"
With help of the comment that the migration aren't of stone.. and are changeable i made it.
I used the following fluentAPI:
// Map one-to-zero or one relationship
.HasRequired(t => t.MyTable1)
.WithOptional(t => t.MyTable2);
.HasOptional(t => t.MyTable2);
And changing my tables to this: (The FK to the MyTable2 and removed from the view)
+id +myTable1
Which in the end is better because this way i have less Null values in my model.