I have Windows 7 Enterprise and I am trying to run JRuby. I've set my environment variables for Ruby (1.9.3), Java (jdk - 1.6.7), and JRuby (1.7preview). I have a network drive but I created a HOME system variable which seems to be working because I can download gems for both Ruby & JRuby successfully and they are saved to my local drive.
When I try to launch a browser (ie, firefox, chrome) it seems to hang for JRuby, but not Ruby. Here is the trace for JRuby after it's been trying to execute for 10 minutes:
irb(main):003:0> require 'rubygems'
=> false
irb(main):004:0> require 'watir-webdriver'
=> true
irb(main):005:0> b = Watir::Browser.new :ie
IRB::Abort: abort then interrupt! *<--Note I killed the process after 10 minutes*
from c:/Ruby/jruby-bin-1.7.0.preview1/jruby-1.7.0.preview1/lib/ruby/gems
/port_prober.rb:24:in `free?'
from c:/Ruby/jruby-bin-1.7.0.preview1/jruby-1.7.0.preview1/lib/ruby/gems
/port_prober.rb:5:in `above'
from c:/Ruby/jruby-bin-1.7.0.preview1/jruby-1.7.0.preview1/lib/ruby/gems
from org/jruby/RubyHash.java:1429:in `delete'
from c:/Ruby/jruby-bin-1.7.0.preview1/jruby-1.7.0.preview1/lib/ruby/gems
from c:/Ruby/jruby-bin-1.7.0.preview1/jruby-1.7.0.preview1/lib/ruby/gems
5:in `for'
from c:/Ruby/jruby-bin-1.7.0.preview1/jruby-1.7.0.preview1/lib/ruby/gems
/shared/gems/selenium-webdriver-2.22.2/lib/selenium/webdriver.rb:65:in `for'
from c:/Ruby/jruby-bin-1.7.0.preview1/jruby-1.7.0.preview1/lib/ruby/gems
from (irb):5:in `evaluate'
from org/jruby/RubyKernel.java:1037:in `eval'
from org/jruby/RubyKernel.java:1353:in `loop'
from org/jruby/RubyKernel.java:1146:in `catch'
from org/jruby/RubyKernel.java:1146:in `catch'
from c:\Ruby\jruby-bin-1.7.0.preview1\jruby-1.7.0.preview1\bin\irb:13:in
JRuby seems to hang because it's looking for an open port. We have to use an HTTP proxy for our network and I have setup a system variable for that as well. I really have no idea why Watir would work for Ruby but not JRuby.