Let's say I have a config.json
like this:
"CustomSection": {
"A": 1,
"B": 2
I know I can use an IConfiguration
object to get specific settings, i.e., configuration.Get("CustomSection:A")
, but can I grab the whole hierarchy (in any type - even a raw string would be fine)? When I try configuration.Get("CustomSection")
, I get a null
result, so I think this isn't supported by default.
My use case is grabbing entire configuration dictionaries at once without having to grab each individual setting - some properties may not be known at compile time.
I have solved a similar problem where I wanted to bind the entire IConfigurationRoot or IConfigurationSection to a Dictionary. Here is an extension class:
public class ConfigurationExtensions
public static Dictionary<string, string> ToDictionary(this IConfiguration config, bool stripSectionPath = true)
var data = new Dictionary<string, string>();
var section = stripSectionPath ? config as IConfigurationSection : null;
ConvertToDictionary(config, data, section);
return data;
static void ConvertToDictionary(IConfiguration config, Dictionary<string, string> data = null, IConfigurationSection top = null)
if (data == null) data = new Dictionary<string, string>();
var children = config.GetChildren();
foreach (var child in children)
if (child.Value == null)
ConvertToDictionary(config.GetSection(child.Key), data);
var key = top != null ? child.Path.Substring(top.Path.Length + 1) : child.Path;
data[key] = child.Value;
And using the extension:
IConfigurationRoot config;
var data = config.ToDictionary();
var data = config.GetSection("CustomSection").ToDictionary();
There is an optional parameter (stripSectionPath) to either retain the full section key path or to strip the section path out, leaving a relative path.
var data = config.GetSection("CustomSection").ToDictionary(false);
configuration.Get is for getting a value to get a section you need
IConfiguration mysection = configuration.GetConfigurationSection("SectionKey");
I was able to load and bind multiple sub sections with unknown keys like this (the syntax has changed slightly since your post; I recommend keeping an eye on the github project and their unit tests to see how it is currently working):
var objectSections = Configuration.GetSection("CustomObjects").GetChildren();
var objects = objectSections.ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x =>
var obj = new CustomObject();
ConfigurationBinder.Bind(x, obj);
return obj ;
Edit: updating this answer for the 1.0 release of Core.
This is possible now if you use a strongly typed object, for example:
public class CustomSection
public int A {get;set;}
public int B {get;set;}
//In Startup.cs
//You can then inject an IOptions instance
public HomeController(IOptions<CustomSection> options)
var settings = options.Value;
You can use the ConfigurationBinder
and read everything as Dictionary<string, string>
Here are some test cases that you can use as example: https://github.com/aspnet/Configuration/blob/dev/test/Microsoft.Framework.Configuration.Binder.Test/ConfigurationCollectionBindingTests.cs
For a detailed explanation, see
Below is an example from the site:
Config file has this:
"Languages": {
".NET": [ "C#", "VB.NET", "F#" ],
"JVM": ["Java", "Scala", "Clojure"]
Load this configuration as follows:
IConfigurationSection languagesSection = configRoot.GetSection("Languages");
IEnumerable<IConfigurationSection> languagesSectionMembers = languagesSection.GetChildren();
Dictionary<string, List<string>> platformLanguages = new Dictionary<string, List<string>>();
foreach (var platform in languagesSectionMembers)
List<string> langs = (from p in platform.GetChildren() select p.Value).ToList();
platformLanguages[platform.Key] = langs;