When I have the following setup, the last column having a width of * causes the datagrid to create huge horizontal scrollbars (extends grid to several widths of the screen). I'm not really sure why this is, but I really need a way to avoid that. I don't want to have to "simulate" column's with * lengths.
edit: Apparently I'm not the only one who noticed this. http://connect.microsoft.com/VisualStudio/feedback/details/559644/silverlight-4-datagrid-star-column-width
<ScrollViewer Padding="0" HorizontalScrollBarVisibility="Auto" VerticalScrollBarVisibility="Auto" >
<sdk:DataGrid AutoGenerateColumns="False" x:Name="dg"/>
private void UserControl_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
dg.Columns.Add(new DataGridTextColumn { Binding = new Binding("A"), Header = "A" });
dg.Columns.Add(new DataGridTextColumn { Binding = new Binding("B"), Header = "B" });
dg.Columns.Add(new DataGridTextColumn { Binding = new Binding("C"), Header = "C" });
dg.Columns[2].Width = new DataGridLength(1, DataGridLengthUnitType.Star);
dg.ItemsSource = new[]
new I { A = "SAF", B = "SAF", C = "SAF" },
new I { A = "SAF", B = "SAF", C = "SAF" },
new I { A = "SAF", B = "SAF", C = "SAF" }
public class I
public string A { get; set; }
public string B { get; set; }
public string C { get; set; }