I'm trying to use the Ant task <loadfile>
in a loop to parse the contents of a file. I have something like
<loadfile srcFile="@{some.input}" property="my.property">
Since Ant properties are immutable, this doesn't work for me. I need 'my.property' to update on every iteration. Is there a way to achieve this? I know Ant-contrib has a <var>
task but I'm not sure how to use <loadfile>
with it.
Any recommendations?
The Ant plugin Flaka provides a let task, allowing to overwrite existing properties or variables like that =
<project xmlns:fl="antlib:it.haefelinger.flaka">
<property name="my.property" value="value"/>
<fl:let> my.property ::= 'anothervalue'</fl:let>
So no need to unset first and set afterwards. btw. Flaka has a unset task also ;-)
<loadfile property="foo" srcfile="bar.txt"/>
... do some actions, perhaps in a <for> loop ...
<var name="foo" unset="true"/>
You can then use foo
again in <loadfile>
Ant contrib also has a var task that unsets.
Lucks: It is convention to accept one of the answers so people know the question is resolved. I recommend you accept Gilbert's since he post a correct answer first.
One of the built-in tasks that are able to override the property value is script
Below is a script and the output that proves the property value changed.
<project name="test">
<property name="bshJar" value="C:\lang\java\bsh-1.3.0.jar:C:\lang\java\bsf.jar:C:\lang\java\commons-logging-1.1.1.jar" />
<property name="a" value="first" />
<script manager="bsf" language="beanshell" classpath="${bshJar}"><![CDATA[
project.setProperty("a", "fourth");
I just ended up using the <unset>
task provided by Antelope
Did you try the script in ANT.
<script language="javascript">
project.setProperty("my.property", "somevalue");
You could create a new property in your MacroDef for each srcFile:
<loadfile srcFile="@{some.input}" property="@{some.input}_Prop">
<echo message="@{some.input} Contents: ${@{some.input}_Prop}"/>