I'm building some vuejs dashboard with vuex and axios, between others, and I've been struggling for a while on a pretty pesky problem: it seems I can't make more than one request! All subsequent calls fail with this error:
Fetching error... SyntaxError: Failed to execute 'setRequestHeader' on 'XMLHttpRequest': 'Bearer {the_entire_content_of_the_previous_api_response}' is not a valid HTTP header field value.
My store looks like that:
import axios from "axios";
const state = {
rawData1: null,
rawData2: null
const actions = {
FETCH_DATA1: ({ commit }) =>
if (!state.rawData1)
return axios.get("/api/data1")
.then((response) =>
commit("SET_RAW_DATA1", response.data);
FETCH_DATA2: ({ commit }) =>
if (!state.rawData2)
return axios.get("/api/data2")
.then((response) =>
commit("SET_RAW_DATA2", response.data);
const mutations = {
SET_RAW_DATA1: (state, data) =>
state.rawData1 = data;
SET_RAW_DATA2: (state, data) =>
state.rawData2 = data;
export default
namespaced: true,
I don't think my API has any problem, as everything seems to work smoothly via Postman.
Maybe it's obvious for some, but I can't spot what's the matter as I'm still quite a vue noob...
Oh, and I'm handling the axios Promise like this, if this is of any interest:
this.$store.dispatch("api/FETCH_DATA1").then(() =>
// parsing this.$store.state.api.rawData1 with babyparse
}).catch((err) =>
this.errorMsg = "Fetching error... " + err;
After @wajisan answer, it does seem to work with "traditional" calls, but not with fetching file calls. I've tried stuff with my Echo api, to no avail... More details there: Serving files with Echo (Golang).
Any ideas, pretty please? :)