I am having some trouble with the syntax in my pipeline script.
I am trying to capture everything after the last forward slash "/" and before the last period "." in this string git@github.com:project/access-server-pd.git (access-server-pd)
Here (below) is how I would like to set it up
NAME=${MYVAR%.*} # retain the part before the colon
NAME=${NAME##*/} # retain the part after the last slash
echo $NAME
I have it current set up with triple quotes on the pipeline script:
stage('Git Clone') {
echo "$MYVAR"
echo "$NAME"
But I am receiving an unexpected token on "." error. How might I write this so that I can get this to work?
UPDATE: This command does the trick:
echo "git@github.com:project/access-server-pd.git" | sed 's#.*/\([^.]*\).*#\1#'
Now I just need to find the proper syntax to create a variable to store that value.