I'm having trouble inserting events using v3 of the Google Calendar API (PHP).
If a description for an event contains a character such as the pound sign £, the event is created in the calendar but the description is left blank. It seems that this is true of all characters outside of the initial 7-bit character codes (ASCII codes 0-127).
By using the htmlentities function I am able to replace all instances of the pound sign with: £
This is fine if the user is using a web-based version of Google Calendar but mobile apps do not convert this back to the pound sign.
This is quite a big issue as events are often copy/pasted from Microsoft Word which uses non-ascii quotation marks.
Is there a certain method of encoding that will get around this? I'm currently using UTF-8 encoding in the MySQL database and PHP scripts.
I'm using the following code to create the event:
function buildGoogleEvent($title,$description,$start_time,$end_time,$location) {
// Create an event object and set some basic event information
$event = new Google_Event();
$event->setDescription(htmlentities($description, ENT_NOQUOTES, 'utf-8'));
// Convert the start and end date/times to ATOM format
$start_time_atom = str_replace(" ", "T", $start_time);
$end_time_atom = str_replace(" ", "T", $end_time);
// Add the event start to the event object
$start = new Google_EventDateTime();
// Add the event end to the event object
$end = new Google_EventDateTime();
return $event;
And this code inserts the event:
$createdEvent = $service->events->insert($google_calendar_id, $event);
Been sitting on this for quite a while so any help is appreciated! My PHP version is 5.5.4.